Division of Industry Network, Community & Institutional Sustainability



  • Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) is the lynchpin between insights, knowledge, know-how, and innovations to elevate talents’ skills and growth for a sustainable tomorrow.


  • To lead in the sustainability of the economy, society, culture, education, health, and environment toward the development and transformation of the nation.


  • To achieve the vision, DICN engages closely with the industry and the community in different areas.


01. Serve as a one-stop referral centre for industries to liaise with the university.

02. Bridge the resources of the university with the needs of the industry

03. Raise and enhance industry linkages and engagement at the state, national, regional, and international levels.

04. Cultivate and implement strategic partnerships involving government, universities, and industry.

05. Engage industry experts in the development and transformation of the university.

06. Facilitate staff and students' pursuit of the scholarship of engagement with the industry.

07. Nurture efforts and collaborations in various aspects of CSR between the university and industry.

08. Strategize and manage the USM Gifts and Endowment Program.

Division of Industry and Community Network
Level 1, Chancellory II, Building E42
Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang

Tel :+604 - 653 2902 / 6413  |  Fax :+604 - 653 2903 / 6406  |   Email: dvc_icn@usm.my
  • Last Modified: Tuesday, 07 January 2025