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Human capital development is a critical factor in generating and maintaining the country's economic growth. The availability of a highly skilled workforce is essential to support the transition of all economic sectors towards knowledge, technology and Innovation intensive activities. This program is also an initiative to improve the Perubahan Sikap, Kemahiran dan Aspirasi (PSKA) of the target community while waiting for a more comprehensive program

YP empower ECER Skills & Training Programme

This program is one of the platforms for academics to contribute their expertise to the local community through the transfer of knowledge and technology to the participants. This programme also has the support of Local Authorities (PBT) such as district councils and land offices. USM also collaborates with various government and non-government agencies including Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA), Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS), Future Agro Academy, Otai Burger Group, OKU Transformation Centre and others who act as training providers.

The training provider is responsible for providing related modules and implementing training so that participants are able to become independent entrepreneurs or become skilled workers who generate a stable income. The participant is also given space for job training during the training period with training providers to experience the work experience in real life experience and apply practically the training modules that have been learned.

Upon completion of the training, participants will be given a business start-up kit to pursue an entrepreneur's career or become highly skilled workers. USM will match the appropriate entrepreneurship or employer grants to highly skilled workers. An initial assistance kit is also provided to participants to ensure the sustainability of the program to participants. Participants continue to be able to conduct business operations upon completion of training. The right employer matching can help participants secure a well-deserved job. The determination of success for this programme starts from the support and cooperation of all parties to ensure that participants get a minimum income of RM1,200 per month.

Each phase of the program is monitored by a single system designed by the Community Network Office team to monitor the revenue and success of participants in the program i.e. the IMPACT4C System. This system monitors participants holistically in terms of business progress, buying and selling transactions and also profiles to promote. Thus, each participant may access a system for business progress or employment income to be reported to the trustees through USM.

Thoroughly, USM succeeded in organizing and implementing the program in full from the beginning so that it reached its notch point. However, the glory of each program is supported and assisted by every player in the program such as academic experts, PBT, agencies as well as commitments rather than the participants themselves.

  • RM 2,680,000.00
    Fund awarded by Yayasan Petronas & ECER Development Council (ECERD)
  • 24 Skill courses
    120 Hours of free entrepreneurship & skills training
  • 400 beneficiaries
    Participants consist of graduates, youth and unemployed adults, single mothers and low-income groups 
  • RM 400,000 Business starter-kit
    Free business starter-kit worth of RM 1,000 for each participant
  • 60% of entrepreneurs own a business
    Creating registered entrepreneurs in various fields
  • Creating highly skilled workers with recognized certificates
  • rm 1,200 - rm 1,400 MONTHLY INCOME
    Income generation through start-up companies and jobs placement


Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) never marginalizes or forgets the underprivileged. The Community Rehabilitation Programme (PDK) is a program created by the Department of Development of PWDs (JPOKU), Department of Social Welfare (JKM) specifically for the development of people with disabilities (OKU). It is a strategy in the development of the local community for the rehabilitation, training, education, equalization of opportunities and social integration of the disabled. PDK is implemented through the concerted efforts of the disabled, family, community and appropriate health, educational, vocational and social services. The program is conducted throughout the country with active community involvement.

It is also proud that USM is the first Higher Education Centre in Malaysia, which has a PDK within the campus and this concept is discussed in the Parliament of Malaysia for the establishment of PDK in other Higher Education Centres and received special allocations from the national budget. This initiative aims to increase the capacity and quality of life of trainees with special needs to provide them with a new future and hope through the active involvement of the parents/guardians themselves. PDK trainers are the disabled children of USM staff and the surrounding community. This PDK is in line with the University's policy of benefiting the local community. In fact, it is a networking platform with the community and agencies related to the disabled. Through PDK is also able to expose USM students to the services and the disabled from the beginning. PDK also provides placement & source of reference to IPTA/IPTS students, CBR staff, special education teachers, parents & others.

To date, a total of 45 trainees aged between 3-17 years old in the special needs category are assisted to undergo rehabilitation and learning process consistently with modules recognized by the authorities.  The accredited module was created through a joint collaboration with the Malaysian Research University Network (MRUN) grant of 8 types of modules to suit the needs of trainees.

The achievement of PPDK USM is so proud that USM can be the benchmark of the establishment to all public universities of Malaysia. Recently, USM collaborated on the MRUN project to develop PPDK at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA) through knowledge transfer. Internally, the project is also recognized as a 5-star project.

  • RM 1,600,000.00
    Fund awarded by Ministry Of Higher Education & Ministry of Finance
    Since 2014 - 2023, 3 PPDK's have been established in USM 
  • 271 ppdk TRAINEES (beneficiaries)
    Trainees placed in PPDK are aged from 3 years to 17 years old 
  • 8 guidance module for parents of DISABLED children (oku)
    Guidance module for parents with disabled children for home reference
  • 17 type of training and activities 
    17 type of training and  activities that applied to trainees and parents